Monday, June 21, 2010

My Facts

Chapter 1

Engineering which I learn:
A year before when I got admission in my esteemed college I thought “I am one of the luckiest person to study in this institution”. (I was in no way wrong about this idea) I took pride in adding a B.E behind my name right after the day of my college orientation. It may be funny but that’s what I did and when I wrote it I didn’t write it with any future plans to become an efficient engineer but for the fee that my father paid in cash in the administrative office and the efforts that I took to join this college. For a few students after schooling the word engineering means a lot EDUCATION, JOB, THIRST FOR SCIENCE but there are a few cases no lots of cases like me who don’t understand what we study and why we study. You may ask, ”Then why engineering?”. Yeah I’ve thought about it a hundred times but in the society a degree is one which makes you “count me too” person in the society and most of all an engineering makes you “Hey you gonna count me or not?” person. It has become a tradition yes and I am a victim. Once I entered the college it was like MISSION ACCOMPLISHED and when I found college was no different from school where teachers rush up to finish the portions and students had to rely text to pass their exams just before their exams. This raises a question, “What about your days before exams?”, Yeah that… The only difference from college and school is those golden days where we lie dreaming of the past or the future. And most of all we are all hostellers. HOSTEL a place where there is no Mom’s voice to wake you up in the morning and no dad to look after your studies and no brother/sister to nose around your works. The only ones you can call as a family are those friends of yours. The ones who are there to cry out your feelings, those who tease you everyday, those who get angry when you open your books before your exams. We are a bunch of morons just trying to pass today and getting scared of tomorrow, in a hostel you get to watch many things around love failiures, successful lovers, school toppers having arrears, some crackpots, some fights, some clubs, the first crush, home sickness, some sorrows, lots of happiness, but Of course hostel life is one which every student has to experience. For us lecturers lessons are lullabies and when we learn for exams we just learn each lesson without even the slightest knowledge of what we are learning and the only condolence is that “we are students who have sound mind that have the capacity to understand and think like an engineer if we try” do you know the category that is worser than us? there are students who cannot even do that and they go, “The ultrasonic waves are… The ultrasonic waves are… The ultrasonic waves are…”. But the most pathetic ones are students who want to know something and don’t have the capacity. Once my catechism teacher said me that god has given everyone equal brain and equal capacity to learn(I believed it for a long time) but after seeing them I don’t think it’s true.. Yes and my college first year is over and now if you ask me what is a capacitor or an inductor I would stare at you as if you are talking in greek. But since I’m gonna start ma second year I’m gonna try and find the real meaning of engineering.. wish me luck guys… I ‘ll soon give my review whether my new experiment works or not…